What Is Bright Green Mutual?
Bright Green Mutual is an Australian mutual company. It’s owned and operated by its members for the benefit of its members, who are nature-positive farmers and founding investors.
The Mutual enables investors to contribute to restoring ecological wellbeing by investing in nature positive farmers through buying Bright Greens.
The purpose of the Mutual is to run the business of evaluating and certifying what farmers (Producers) have done on the land, and then package the value of their work in a way that investors can buy-into, in order to enhance natural living systems.
Bright Green Mutual is the trading name of LOVE TO Be Bright Green Mutual Ltd, which is a public company limited by guarantee. It currently has 68 members, who are Producers and Founding Investors.
Who Are The Producers?
The first issue of Bright Greens represents the work of 23 nature positive farmers over 35 project sites in Australia.
Watch Video: Meet Our Producers: Why Regenerative Agriculture Matters
These Producers were selected for their high-quality regenerative agriculture that captures outstanding ecological practices in Australian farming.
20 of the 23 Producers were introduced by RCS Australia Ltd, a leading regenerative farming consultancy and founding partner in the Bright Green Mutual initiative.
What Is Nature Positive Farming?
Regenerative farming is about the outcomes you achieve, not the inputs you use.
There is no one formula for nature-positive (or regenerative) farming. It is about balancing many aspects so your agricultural systems spiral up towards improved biodiversity and health, rather than spiralling down towards degradation.
According to our partners at RCS Australia, to achieve regenerative outcomes you must adopt practices that:
Together, these elements support thriving communities in the broadest sense.
What Are Bright Greens?
Bright Greens (BBGs) are digital tokens representing ecological improvement grown by nature positive farmers.
By buying Bright Greens you directly reward farmers, whilst growing and participating in a new economic model that:
Why Issue Bright Greens For Investment Into Ecological Work Done By Producers?
Bright Greens provide visionary investors and philanthropists with a direct investment into established and verified ecological work done by Producers.
What Type Of Token Are Bright Greens?
A semi-fungible token built on the Ethereum blockchain.
Can Bright Greens Be Created Out Of Thin Air?
Bright Greens can only be issued with a PIE Certificate attached.
How Many Bright Greens Have Been Minted?
Bright Green Mutual has minted 545,454 Bright Greens from the first Producer harvest.
How Many Bright Greens Have Been Sold?
80,000+ Bright Greens have already been sold.
Where Does The Money Go?
454,000 Bright Greens are available for sale in Round 1 (closes 12 April 2025).
What Is Innovative About Bright Greens?
There are three key innovations in the Bright Green token.
More Detailed FAQ
Please read the Bright Green Fact Sheet. which has answers to many more frequently asked questions.